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Njoy-nature Ulei Esential Pur Bergamota Aromaterapie Bergamot Citrus Aur Bergamia Bergamot / Citrus Aur Bergamia Essential Oil 15ml

3 Reviews
49,90 Lei

Bergamot is a dwarf shrub that belongs to the citrus family, a combination of the lemon tree and the orange tree. Bergamot essential oil is extracted from the peel of fresh fruit and obtained by cold pressing. Bergamot falls into the category of soothing oils, being a precious oil both physically and emotionally. Due to the complexity of its aroma, Bergamot essential oil is a versatile one and can be easily mixed with other flavors, especially floral (Neroli, Rose) or herbaceous, such as Lavender and Clary Sage.

Top Note
Although it belongs to the citrus family, Bergamot does not have their typical aroma. You can feel a subtle sweet flower aroma, similar to Lavender, once you overcome the initial citrus aroma.


• In combination with Lavender or Marjoram, Bergamot is used to treat abdominal cramps and fever
• Refreshing (helpful in case of superficial pain and itching)
• Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal
• Soothing, fortifying, tonic, relaxing
• Emotionally uplifting, improves self-image, self-love
• Reduces anxiety and insomnia
• In combination with Lavender oil and YlangYlang oil, Bergamot helps to reduce depression.


• External use / aromatherapy / direct inhalation / cosmetic use
• Therapeutic grade / 100% pure
• Quantity: 15ml


• This product can be purchased with Kit Advanced 15,  Kit Ultimate 30Kit Citrus 6 or Kit Woman 6



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  • Description
  • Properties
  • Use & Safety
  • Reviews (3)

• Origin: Italy, with a range in Southern Europe and Asia
• Latin name: Citrus Bergamia
• Botanical family: Rutaceae
• Main chemical compounds: D-limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate
• Extraction method: cold pressing
• The part of the plant from which the essential oil is extracted: peel of fresh fruit
• Effect: balances oily skin prone to acne, minimizes the appearance of scars and marks on the skin; It is an excellent natural deodorant and air freshener
• Compatible oils: Neroli, Rose, Lavender, Sage, Black Pepper, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Orange, Frankincense, Mandarin, Jasmine, Cypress, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Rosemary, Vetiver.

Good for Kids, Elevating, Promotes Well-Being, Freshness

It is phototoxic, do not expose yourself to the sun for the next 12 hours after using this essential oil. It is used only diluted in a vegetable oil or cosmetic product (about 2 drops of essential oil per 10ml of product). It is not used as such on the skin, only as an ingredient in cosmetics, aromatherapy and perfumery. Contains compounds with allergens: limonene, linalool, citral.

How to use:
- as a massage oil: 6 drops of Cedar essential oil, 6 drops of Bergamot essential oil (can be replaced with Lavender essential oil), 4 drops of Orange essential oil (can be replaced with Mandarin essential oil). Mix the oils in 30 ml carrier oil or cream
- in the hot tub: put 10-15 drops together with a cup of Epsom or Himalayan salt
- as a diffuser blend: 8 drops of Bergamot essential oil, 6 drops of Lavender essential oil, 1 drop of YlangYlang essential oil. You can also add a few drops of Frankincense essential oil.

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cristache silvia,

Miroase extraordinar !


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Ioana Dansorean,

Este un ulei atat de vesel incat ar putea bine-dispune pe oricine. il folosesc in difuzor la birou, pentru concentrare, in dulapuri pentru prospetimea hainelor (ori picurat pe mirositoare ori pe o bucatica de vata, tine pana la 2-3 saptamani).


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Paul Todea,

Multumesc pentru seriozitate si promptitudine.


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