When we look beyond the molecules that make up the matter of our physical body, we see fields of energy that are constantly transforming. Ancient Vedic teachings tell us that this vital energy moves in defined channels and that there are concentrations of energy in the midline of the body. These centers, or energy wheels, are called chakras, and each resonates with a basic human need. Our entire consciousness, thoughts and actions are governed by the activity of these chakras or energy centers.
The word "chakra" means "wheel" in Sanskrit, the holy and sacred language of Buddhism and Hinduism, and the first writings about chakras appeared in approximately 1000 BC. Their origins are deeply rooted in Hindu traditions, but concepts related to chakras and energy centers are also fundamental to Ayurvedic concepts related to prana (energy) and Chinese practices of Qi (tai chi). Chakras are also called energy centers or vortices, and each of us has 7 main chakras in the body, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra is believed to resemble a colored wheel spinning clockwise at a different frequency or speed. These are invisible to the naked eye and interconnect with our physical and spiritual selves, being directly linked to a specific region and nerve center in the body and each having its specific color. They absorb and filter the energy we emit through our thoughts and actions, as well as the thoughts and actions of everyone we come into contact with. When one of the chakras is out of balance as a result of negative energy flowing through it, it begins to stagnate, and intentions are harder to process and actualize. This imbalance can affect the physical body and be harmful to our spiritual and emotional selves. In order to achieve balance in all physical, mental and emotional aspects, these chakras must be properly aligned and rotating.
Essential Oils are an important key to keeping these wheels/energy centers open and maintaining the flow/course of vital energy. We can use the vibrational energy of essential oils to tune and adjust our chakra system, strengthening the characteristics of each center and bringing the shadow aspects of the self into a positive state. There are many essential oils that resonate with each chakra. As we discussed in the Power of the 5 Elements article, the chakras are closely related to the elements (tattvas- ether, air, water, fire, earth), and an essential oil that carries the vibrational energy of an element can interact directly with the chakra associated with it. Essential oils that resonate with multiple elements can in turn stimulate multiple chakras.
So let's delve into the world of chakras and their connection to Essential Oils and see how they can balance and heal our mind, body and soul.
The Root Chakra - Muladhara, is the first energy center, located at the base of the spine, of the coccyx. This chakra is associated with the element Earth and the representative color is blood red or crimson. Muladhara focuses on our primary needs for survival, safety and way of life. When the root chakra is balanced, we are connected to the Earth, centered and grounded. We feel stability and a sense of belonging, we are connected to our body, and our self-confidence is strong. When the root chakra is out of balance, we can feel energetically anemic, isolated, airy, confused, and feel stuck and unable to move forward. Muladhara is the most important chakra because if it is out of balance, it is impossible to fully balance the other six. Saint Teresa of Avila says that all things come to the soul through its roots, from where they were planted, so we need strong and stable roots to be able to take our flight safely.
The essential oil associated with the Root chakra is Myrrh, Commiphora Myrrha, an oil with an intense, woody, earthy aroma, which works wonderfully in blends with spiritual intent; a warming and protective oil, which complements wonderfully with Frankincense essential oil. Myrrh or Myrrh essential oil is extracted from the resin of the Styrax Tonkinensis tree, native to Yemen, Somalia. It is a valuable oil, valued since ancient times for its medicinal, spiritual and aromatic benefits and properties. Myrrh essential oil is distilled directly from myrrh resin, it is a grounding, centering oil and is used in spiritual rituals, meditations, yoga and ceremonies. It also helps with introspection and self-discovery. It connects us with the energy of the Earth, giving us the necessary roots for (re)balancing.
Sacral chakra – Svadhishthana, is the second energy center, located 2 fingers below the navel and 2 fingers above the Muladhara chakra. This chakra is associated with the element of Water, and its representative color is vibrant orange. Svadhishthana influences sensuality, sexual intimacy and movement. If this chakra is balanced, it keeps us emotionally healthy, connecting us to our subconscious, our inner child and the world of dreams. It influences the creative power and paves the way for problem solving and authentic expression of creativity. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, we can experience repression of certain aspects of the self, repression of emotions and sexuality. We may have nightmares, we may have difficulty interpreting dreams, or we simply cannot remember what we dreamed.
The representative oil for balancing the Sacral center is the essential oil of Sweet Orange, Citrus Sinensis, an oil of Light and Happiness, which soothes and calms in moments of agitation. It is often used in blends that promote peaceful and deep sleep, due to its sedative properties. It is cold-pressed from the rind of the fresh fruit and is a light oil with a wonderful uplifting aroma. It produces joy from the first sniff and is a powerful natural anti-depressant. Its warm and sweet aroma resembles that of a freshly peeled orange, being full of freshness, and its citrus and fruity notes delight our senses and bring peace and joy to our inner child. This scent envelops and regulates us emotionally, connecting our mind, body and soul. It unlocks energies, relaxes and brings optimism to those who have lost it, restoring vitality, movement and sensuality to the body.
The Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura, is the third energy center, located in the solar plexus, from the navel upwards towards the diaphragm. It is associated with the element of Fire, and its representative color is intense, radiant Yellow. Manipura strongly influences the sense of identity and personal worth, intelligence, logic, direction and the power to be a leader. When this chakra is balanced, we feel strong, full of passion, strength and courage. We are whole, full of joy, we are aware of our own worth and trust our instincts. We simply radiate. But when Manipura is out of balance, we can go from arrogance to loss of confidence in a very short time, we can have problems of self-centeredness, abuse of power and we can be stuck or rigid in our thinking. A sign of imbalance is also the need to achieve perfection, the need to control everything or dominate.
For this Solar imbalance there is a savior oil, namely the essential oil of Geranium, Pelargonium Graveolens or Geranium. It is a plant originating from Egypt, Morocco and Algeria, which appeared in Europe only in the 17th century, in Italy, France and Spain. This Geranium oil has been used since ancient times by the Egyptians to beautify women's skin and hair. It is an incredibly powerful and intense oil that has a special balancing, grounding and centering power on all levels. Geranium essential oil connects us with the Fire within, our inner strength and power to move forward. It is an oil that connects us with the Feminine, being of great help during menstruation, menopause or in the case of reproductive system disorders, it harmonizes us and brings us down to earth.
The Heart Chakra - Anahata, is the fourth energy center in the body and we find it in the heart area. It is associated with the Air element, and its representative color is Radiant Green (or Vibrant Pink). Anahata charges us with Infinite Love, in all its complexity and in all its forms: unconditional, romantic, veneration of the spiritual or divine, the love of a parent, of a child, Universal love. When the heart chakra is balanced, we feel oneness, love ourselves and others, and feel the divinity in ourselves and others. We feel loyalty and care for our neighbor and we have Grace and Elegance in us. The Heart Chakra influences our ability to give and receive love in a selfless and healthy way, but also to manage our emotions in the event of a broken heart, breakup, abandonment or even death. When dealing with an imbalance in the heart chakra, we can feel vulnerable or rejected, emotionally blocked. We lose our authentic self, become dependent or stuck in toxic relationships, hard to please and even overly critical of ourselves and those around us.
One of the essential oils that can help us (re)acquire the balance of the Heart is Mandarin essential oil, Citrus reticulata. It is obtained from the skin of the fresh fruit by cold pressing and is originally from China, arriving in Europe only in the 19th century. It is an oil that envelops us with gentleness and grace, opening the way to Universal Love, the purest. It is an ideal oil when harmony and inner peace are needed. It is a favorite oil of children, the elderly and pregnant women. Its sweet, fresh aroma combines elegantly with that of flowers, creating an exotic, delicious and harmonious synergy that helps us love unconditionally, balance ourselves and find our authentic path.
The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha, is the fifth energy center, located at the base of the neck, associated with the Ether element, and its representative color is vibrant Blue. Vishuddha strongly influences our ability to communicate, to verbalize our thoughts, opinions, desires or emotions and also our ability to listen, hear and understand those around us. The Throat Chakra not only influences what we hear and say through verbal communication, but also connects us to our body language. It helps us to express ourselves authentically, it guides us to our true vocation, to spontaneity and improvisation, to personal intuitive force. When the Communication Chakra is balanced, we understand the power of words and how they come to life and materialize. When Vishuddha is blocked, words and communication are no longer favorable to us, we can no longer listen and discern the truth, we are confused and disconnected from our creative force.
The oil that helps us balance our Throat chakra is Roman Chamomile essential oil, Anthemis Nobilis. It is extracted from the flowers and buds of the plant by steam distillation and is part of the Asteraceae family, one of the largest families of flowering plants. Roman Chamomile essential oil is one of the most powerful calming oils, which also resonates with the heart chakra very well, offering self-love, forgiveness and openness to resolving trauma and anxieties. It has a tonic, refreshing aroma that supports the throat chakra and unblocks it, freeing us from fears, anxieties and emotional blockages. It is a powerful aid in times of mental confusion, anger or loss of clarity, as it charges us with confidence and self-esteem and brings us back to a harmonious and balanced state. Roman Chamomile essential oil is a protective, intensely scented oil with a clear, sweet and fruity smell, with grassy undertones, which helps us regain inner peace and calm.
The Third Eye Chakra - Ajna, is the sixth energy center in the body, located in the central point of the forehead, and its representative color is Indigo. This is a complex center that connects deeply with all elements. Ajna helps us to have control over the mind, it influences certain aspects of it that deal with intelligence, memory, wisdom, dreams, spirituality and intuition. When we are in balance with Ajna, we are anchored in Presence, in the Now moment, and have perfect focus. When we are out of balance, we can get lost in the future or the past, lose our radiance and connection to our own Essence.
One of the right essential oils to help balance our Third Eye is Frankincense, Boswellia Serrata essential oil. Frankincense essential oil, like Myrrh, is extracted from the resin of the tree by steam distillation. Both the essential oil and the resin itself are used during meditation, spiritual rituals, for the purpose of healing and aligning the chakras. This is a regenerating oil that rejuvenates the skin, relaxes and opens emotionally. Its purifying aroma is well known, resinous, with intense nuances of wood and pine, slightly lemony, which helps us with mental stimulation, spiritual openness, introspection and self-regulation.
The Crown Chakra – Sahasrara, is the last energy center, the seventh, located in the nape of the head, it is associated with all the elements, and the representative color is intense white or vibrant purple. Sahasrara helps us to know our true potential, to understand ourselves beyond the physical body or the material world. When the Crown chakra is in balance, we can attain enlightenment or the highest degree of our existence, and our real authentic self dissolves into oneness. We can find this state when we meditate, pray or let creativity and energy flow through us, to heal us.
The right oil of choice for this chakra is the essential oil of Spikenard, Nardostachys Jatamansi. Also known as Nard, Jatamansi or Muskroot, it is extracted from the root of the plant that grows wild in the Himalayan regions, Nepal, India and China. It is a particularly powerful biblical oil with a protective role and a long history, used during prayers, meditations, ceremonies and spiritual shamanic rituals. Spikenard Oil grounds, centers and resonates with all chakras and elements. It calms and soothes, restores and relaxes all the senses and the whole body. It has a color similar to amber and is a good brain and nervous system tonic. Treats sleep problems, stress, anxiety and chronic fatigue. The aroma of this oil is deep, rich and woody, which connects us deeply with the Earth, but also frees us from the physical world and helps us achieve Peace.
Having said that, all that remains is for us to close our eyes, visualize our own body and try to locate these energy centers full of color and movement. Let us deeply feel their power and influence with the mind's eye, the heart and the cells of our entire Being. Let's ask ourselves honestly what we need to do to achieve balance and walk with trust in our creative intuition, on the path of healing. Because Mother Nature's most powerful tools come to our aid, namely pure, magical herbs and essential oils.
Candice Covington , Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice, editura Healing Arts Press, 2017
Valerie Ann Worwood, The Complete Book of Essential Oils, editura New World Library, 1991
Catalog nJoy Nature : https://www.njoy-nature.com/domains/njoy-nature.com/files/files/nJoy_Nature_Catalog_WEB.pdf