There are many questions that come to mind when you come across a new brand of essential oils: how do I know that the products are pure? why are their prices so low or too high? can I consume them internal? if they are not from the famous companies with MLM system will they be good? aren't there enough companies on the market, was another one necessary? ...
We will probably not be able to answer all the questions that may arise in everyone's mind, but what we can do is share our story and invite you to receive it with an open heart.
Like any story that has a chance to become reality, the story of nJoy Nature started from a passion, a great passion for fragrances. At the beginning were the scented sticks, handmade, from natural ingredients, whose smell can take you to the most hidden places of the being; then we were fascinated by the aroma of Palo Santo wood, with such deep roots in ancient rituals and traditions. And because "smells touch the strings of the heart more accurately than images and sounds," as Rudyard Kipling quotes, we felt it was time to turn our attention to the fascinating world of essential oils.
Already using such essences for personal use and observing their therapeutic potential, in addition to the sensational smell, we wondered how we could offer these products in a fair way, namely, unquestionable quality and common sense price. Thus we started an extensive research work, looking for honest producers of essential oils, from several continents. We requested samples from those who convinced us in a first phase, through relevant technical documentation, but also through recommendations and seniority on the market. And so, we set up a generous desk full of small bottles, but with strong essences. :)
Members of the basic nJoy Nature "family" had the task of documenting the role of each oil and give each essence a rating. The lists came together and we started the selection: some oils were love at first smell, receiving the precious heart unanimously, such as the wonderful Harshiangar or Sandalwood oil, and others were debated on the benefit-smell ratio. It is good to know that the final product is influenced by many factors such as the growing conditions of the plant from which the oil is extracted, the type of soil, methods of harvesting, distillation, manufacturing and storage. For example, the smell of a Lemon essential oil extracted from organic lemons from Spain will be different from the smell of the same Lemon oil, but extracted from organic lemons from India.
Having selected the range of oils with which we decided to set out and enrich it only with those oils that prove to be "worthy" to join us, the delicate subject of cost was brought into discussion. From the very beginning we did not agree with the high prices charged by some reputable companies, this being one of the reasons why we decided to produce and offer quality products at affordable prices, our oils having fair and competitive prices.
It goes without saying that we use nJoy Nature oils with great satisfaction, from the brand's smallest ambassadors, our children, to grandparents and many friends, because essential oils are for everyone and are meant to be shared with everyone; because the smell can make you think of the dear people in your life; because essential oils help us physically, emotionally and spiritually, being useful tools that promote change and well-being, day by day.