And here October has begun to set in gradually, as viruses knock on our door, and we have taken our masks out of our pockets, cautious and afraid of catching our snot. We are once again in the midst of a pandemic, with the temperature dropping and the Sun leaving us. To give a brief recap of what is happening at the present time, we can get a general idea of how the viral infections we already know work. Proper and regular hand washing is the safest method of protection against viruses. For more protection and a possible method of prevention, we can also consider using antiviral essential oils, naturally supporting the immune system.
Aromatherapy can help and support us in this process of additional natural protection against flu and colds, but it is necessary and important to know and understand the life cycle of viruses. In order not to complicate things and to have as clear a picture as possible, we have chosen the short and objective version of this process full of complexity: in the first phase, the virus enters the body and attaches itself to the cells of the nose, throat and lungs (respiratory tract ). The proteins on the surface of the virus meet the receptors and form the key of the virus that opens its access path into the cell and infects it. We already know that certain compounds in essential oils can interrupt this life cycle of viruses at the opportune moment of development. So, a powerful blend of antiviral essential oils can be a natural way, an additional alternative, of protection.
In order to multiply and develop, the virus needs a living organism, surviving on various surfaces for up to 24 hours or even more, depending on humidity and temperature. It disappears if it does not find a living host. Viruses last longer on hard surfaces, such as plastic or metal, and can also spread through secretions (cough, mucus) once they reach the environment.
How to manage the symptoms correctly and treat ourselves properly? You should not attempt to treat severe symptoms at home under any circumstances. So if you experience shortness of breath or other breathing difficulties or a high fever, it is necessary to see a doctor. Mild symptoms, however, can also be improved by using natural antiviral essential oils rich in the chemical compounds 1,8-cineole and pinene, such as Ravintsara, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Sweet Orange, Juniper, Pine, Oregano, Tea Tree, Niaouli, Wintergreen.
This time we chose to talk a little about the essential oil of Ravintsara, Cinnamomum Camphora in Latin, also known as Ho Leaf Oil, which is a powerful natural antiviral oil, very useful at this time of the year. It is extracted by distillation from the leaves of a tree native to Madagascar and has been used since ancient times by the indigenous populations of the area. Ravintsara essential oil has a camphor aroma and, thanks to the 1.8-cineole component, has a strong antiviral action. It has been shown that this compound also gives it an antibacterial action.
Ravintsara oil is a support for our emotional system. In alternative medicine, this oil is an immunostimulator. To refresh the immune system, we can combine 22 drops of Ravintsara essential oil with 20 drops of Niaouli essential oil, 20 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil and 20 drops of Lemon essential oil. Then we can enjoy this blend by putting a few drops in the aroma diffuser or we can apply it to the skin (neck, chest, back, temples) together with a carrier oil, in this case coconut oil, strongly antibacterial.
In the case of a cold, it can be inhaled to clear and unblock the airways. Ravintsara is usually used in combination with the powerful decongestant Eucalyptus essential oil. We can put 1-3 drops of each oil in a bowl of warm water, inhaling 3 times a day for 3 days. In the case of sinusitis, we use Ravintsara oil for its antiseptic properties on the respiratory system, together with the essential oil of Măghiran, Thyme or Oregano. In case of flu, we can apply this magic oil on the skin along with a carrier oil, massaging the chest, soles, wrists and behind the ear, twice a day to prevent the flu, or 5 times a day massaged on the chest, in case in which the flu has already settled in the body and started to wreak havoc. Ravintsara essential oil is also effective in bronchitis, helping to fluidize secretions. Can be combined with Pine essential oil: 1-3 drops of each of these 2 oils along with 10-15 drops of soothing carrier oil, applied morning and evening to the chest, for 5 days.
Ravintsara essential oil is also a powerful energizer, massaging the wrists with 1-2 drops of it is a good help to give us a boost of energy when we are quite exhausted.
Dr. Pharmacist Aromatherapist Aude Maillard jumps in with a few other ways to use Ravintsara oil, either alone or mixed with the other antiviral oils listed above, namely adding a few drops to hand sanitizers, liquid soaps, or in the form of nasal oil. It is applied as protection when we go outside, at the level of the nasal cavity. Along with a carrier oil, we put 1-3 drops of essential oil of Ravintsara, Tea Tree and / or Laurel and apply gently inside the nostrils and at the base of the nose.
From an aromatic point of view, Ravintsara combines harmoniously with Eucalyptus oil, mentholated, woody and citrus oils. Emotionally, this oil is suitable in stressful times, offering calm and focus. It is a great help in cases of depression or stress as it helps in emotional balancing. Revitalizes mood, energizes body and mind. The aroma of Ravintsara oil is of medium intensity, resembling that of Eucalyptus, but with much greener and grassy tones. It presents a fresh scent with earthy and woody tones. It is also a powerful aid in migraines and headaches.
In conclusion, Ravintsara essential oil presents itself as a natural aid/ally for our health, but it must be used with skill and caution. It is not indicated for children under 3 years old, nor for pregnant or lactating women, and the recommended amount will not be exceeded. Being a strong oil, it should be used with care and in small dilutions.