Ginger Grass essential oil, scientifically called Cymbopogon martini var. sofia and in English Gingergrass, is part of the botanical family of Poaceae and is extracted from the entire herb by steam distillation. Gingergrass is a herbaceous perennial plant that can reach heights of 2 meters and grows in the wild at low altitudes. Indigenous to the Indian regions, Gingergrass oil is very popular and used since the 18th century in Ayurvedic treatments to reduce inflammation, allergies, reduce joint and muscle pain or depression. It is a spicy and uplifting oil that warms, being perfect for the cold months and beyond. Spiritually, Gingergrass essential oil is used in synergies to express gratitude, balance, energize and lift the mood.
Middle Note
Citrus and peppery aroma, sensual and warm, with spicy and lemon tones, helps to rebalance, center and revitalize.
• Analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, aphrodisiac
• It is an uplifting oil that revitalizes and is ideal in the fight against depression
• Moisturizes the skin and keeps it bright and healthy
• It is a soothing, calming oil, beneficial in situations of stress, tension or confusion
• Fights anxiety, fatigue and helps create a state of well-being, full of optimism
• Very helpful in case of cough, allergies, colds, unclogs the nose and is expectorant
• Relieves headaches or migraines, soothes muscle and joint pain
• Removes mosquitoes and other insects.
• External use / aromatherapy / direct inhalation / cosmetic use
• Therapeutic grade / 100% pure
• Quantity: 15ml
• This product can be purchased with Kit Man 6
Delivery date: 24h
• Origin: India
• Latin name: Cymbopogon martini var. Sofia
• Botanical family: Poaceae
• Main chemical compounds: geraniol, trans-p-menthene-8-diol-1,2, cis-dihydrocarvone, trans-dihydrocarvone, limonene, piperitenone, dihydro cuminyl alcohol
• Extraction method: steam distillation
• The part of the plant from which the essential oil is extracted: from the whole herbaceous plant
• Effect: moisturizes the skin and keeps it healthy; It calms the agitated mind, due to its warm aroma; Its citrus and peppery aroma helps to rebalance and revitalize
• Compatible oils: Rose Wood, Lavender, Sandalwood, Cedar, Geranium, Cedar essential oil.
Avoid using it if it has oxidized, as it can be irritating. Essential oils do not expire but can oxidize due to non-compliance with optimal storage conditions (protected from light and stored in a cool place, away from heat). It is used only diluted in a vegetable oil or cosmetic product (about 2 drops of essential oil per 10ml of product). It is not used as such on the skin, only as an ingredient in cosmetics, aromatherapy and perfumery.
How to use:
- as a massage oil: mix 5 - 10 drops in 30ml carrier oil, such as jojoba, avocado or almonds and massage the skin with it
- In the hot tub: put 5-10 drops together with a cup of Epsom or Himalayan salt
- as a diffuser blend: add 3 drops of Ginger / Gingergrass essential oil, 5 drops of Grapefruit and 2 drops of Peppermint, for a blend against nausea, stomach pain or upset stomach.