Angelica essential oil is obtained from the root and seeds of the herbaceous plant, by steam distillation. Angelica is also known as the "grass of angels", grows spontaneously in Central and Eastern Europe and is part of the same botanical family as parsley, carrot and anise. Over time, Angelica essential oil has been given a special importance, being considered a magic oil, with incredibly powerful properties against infectious diseases. From an energetic point of view, this essential oil is a protective one, which offers security and centering to those open to spirituality.
Base Note
It has a strong and pleasant smell, peppery and fresh, with woody and grassy nuances.
• Stimulates the digestive system and provides an energy boost
• Relieves abdominal cramps and pain
• Eliminates dangerous toxins, purifies the blood and soothes menstrual cramps
• Helps treat rheumatic diseases and reduce respiratory problems
• Balances hormonally and energetically.
• External use / aromatherapy / direct inhalation / cosmetic use
• Therapeutic grade / 100% pure
• Quantity: 15ml
• This product can be purchased with Kit Man 6
Delivery date: 24h
• Origin: India, Sweden, Greenland, Faroe Islands, France, Germany, Romania
• Latin name: Angelica Archangelica var. sativa, Angelica officinalis
• Botanical family: Apiaceae
• Main chemical compounds: alpha-pinene, delta-3-carene, beta-phellandrene, limonene, alpha-pellandrene, coumarins.
• Extraction method: steam distillation
• The part of the plant from which the essential oil is extracted: root and seeds
• Effect: helpful in case of cough, sinus infections, arthritis, gout, fatigue, psoriasis, stress; useful for quitting smoking (nicotine addiction)
• Compatible oils: Jasmine, Amber, Bergamot, Cedar, Cardamom, Clary Sage, Juniper, Geranium, Lemon, Lime, Marjoram, Ginger, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Petit Grain, Tea Tree, Turmeric, Vetiver, citrus oils.
It is phototoxic, do not expose yourself to the sun for the next 12 hours after using this essential oil. It is used only diluted in a vegetable oil or cosmetic product (about 2 drops of essential oil per 10ml of product). It is not used as such on the skin, only as an ingredient in cosmetics, aromatherapy and perfumery. Avoid long-term use of essential oil. Due to its anticoagulant effect, it should not be used by people who have problems with blood clotting. Contraindicated to pregnant women, especially in the first 3 months.
How to use:
- as a massage oil: mix 15 drops in 30ml carrier oil, such as jojoba, avocado or almond and massage the skin or scalp with it
- in the hot tub: put 10-15 drops together with a cup of Epsom or Himalayan salt
- as a diffuser blend: add 9 drops of Grapefruit essential oil, 6 drops of Angelica and 3 drops of Helichrysum, to balance the heart chakra.
Ciprian Ignatescu,
Un ulei de calitate foarte buna, recomand. La aproximativ 5 minute de la aplicarea lui pe piele, emana un miros placut de mosc, e senzational.
RaspundeCreează o barieră împotriva energiei negative si atacurilor energetice, anihileaza blestemele, vrajile, farmecele si magia. Indeparteaza spiritele malefice si parazitii astrali.
Sunt multumit de produsele voastre, FELICITARI pentru calitate, preturi corecte, servicii prompte si colaborare excelenta !!!
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