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Njoy-nature Ulei Esential Pur Piper Negru Aromaterapie Black Pepper Piper Nigrum Black Pepper / Piper Nigrum Essential Oil 15ml

2 Reviews
49,90 Lei

Black Pepper essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from peppercorns. The pepper plant belongs to the category of woody vines of Indian origin and its benefits have been known for thousands of years. It has a major advantage: it does not irritate the eyes and does not make you sneeze as in the case of ground peppercorns. Black Pepper essential oil is compatible with most oils, especially aromatic ones, such as Cinnamon or Nutmeg, citrus and floral oils. It is a stimulating oil and is a good choice when you need extra energy and concentration. Black Pepper oil is not recommended before bed.

Middle Note
Its aroma reminds us of freshly ground peppercorns, but it is much more complex, with notes of fresh green and slightly floral hues. It is a strong, hot and pungent odor, which complements wonderfully in blends; it adds extra warmth and flavor to the mixtures. Being a medium grade oil, it harmonizes the top notes full of freshness with the intense base notes, balancing them nicely.


• Improves circulation and soothes muscle pain
• Warms, relaxes and energizes
• Recommended for cold hands and feet
• Fights depression and fatigue
• Fights hair loss and strengthens the hair root
• Very useful for back pain, rheumatism, arthritis and contusions
• It is used before sports or high effort, to prevent muscle pain
• It is a protective oil, it unlocks energetically
• Tonic for mind and spirit, banishes anger and is a powerful anti-inflammatory.


• External use / aromatherapy / direct inhalation / cosmetic use
• Therapeutic grade / 100% pure
• Quantity: 15ml

• This product can be purchased with Kit Autumn Special 4

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  • Description
  • Properties
  • Use & Safety
  • Reviews (2)

• Origin: India, Malaysia, Madagascar
• Latin name: Piper Nigrum
• Botanical family: Piperaceae
• Main chemical compounds: a-thujane, a-pinene, sabinene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, terpinen-4-ol
• Extraction method: steam distillation
• The part of the plant from which the essential oil is extracted: peppercorns
• Effect: with a high content of antioxidants, fights free radicals that affect the skin and cause signs of premature aging; useful in case of anxiety, with calming effect
• Compatible oils: Black pepper essential oil is compatible with most oils, especially aromatic ones, such as Cinnamon or Nutmeg, citrus and floral oils; Basil, Bergamot, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender, Clove, Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar, Cypress, Lemon, Rosemary, Ylan Ylang.

Fights Anxiety, Detox, Tonic & Energizing

Black pepper essential oil can be slightly irritating, especially in large doses. Applied topically, it needs to be diluted with a carrier oil, such as jojoba, avocado, olive or almond. For sensitive skin it is recommended in small dilutions. Being an oil with a high concentration, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy or breastfeeding, because it sensitizes the skin. The use of oxidized Black Pepper oil is not recommended. Internal consumption is not recommended. It is not a recommended oil for children.

How to use:
- as a massage oil: mix 15 drops in 30ml carrier oil, such as jojoba, avocado or almond and massage the skin or scalp with it
- in the hot tub: put 10-15 drops together with a cup of Epsom or Himalayan salt
- as a diffuser blend: add 9 drops of Grapefruit essential oil, 6 drops of Lavender and 3 drops of Black Pepper, for refreshment.

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adriana gheorghiu,

Un ulei foarte util pentru durerile articulare si musculare. Foarte multumita, cu siguranta o sa mai revin cu alte comenzi!


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Sabina Gadea,

Am cumparat un singur ulei si am avut transport gratuit. Sunteti faini. O sa mai cumpar de la voi.


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